St Joseph Catholic School

Our Story

Community: We foster a strong sense of belonging and unity among students, staff, and families.

The sisters of Saint Joseph arrived in Murray Bridge in January 1925.

Since then, many exciting and wonderful stories can be told about our great school, each in the Josephite education and our school motto - “In All Things Kindness.”

More than 90 years ago, a house on Mannum Road was purchased from Captain Randell and here a Convent school was started in two rooms, the Sisters lived in the remainder of the house. The “Red Room” was later erected and both primary and secondary classes were taught.

In 1934, two stone school rooms were built and later an infant room completed the block. This original classroom block is now the administration building.

In 1963, the decision was made to discontinue teaching secondary classes.

In 1964, as the number of students and sisters had steadily increased it was necessary to build a new convent and additional school facilities. The house alongside the school in Florence Street was purchased and a two story Convent was erected.

The Sisters of St Joseph remained as leaders of the school until 1999, when the first lay Principal was appointed. The Convent building was then renovated and is now known as the MacKillop Building which accommodates various offices such as the Japanese Room, Canteen and Staff Room.

Our school has grown in recent years and additional properties have been purchased to increase the size of the school grounds. Properties purchased on McHenry Street were replaced by the Basketball Courts, Adventure Playground and the Staff Carpark. Four new classrooms (Edwards Building) were built in 1994 to replace transportable buildings.

In 2005 the acquisition of land from the Parish and purchase of property on Mannum Road enabled the construction of the Performing Arts Centre, overpass to the Church Oval and the Staff Car Park as well as the additional Paved Court area at the bottom of the School Oval.

To cater with the continuing growth the Sturt Building was demolished in 2007 to make way for the current two story classroom block and larger facilities.

In 2010 as part of the Federal Government's “Building The Education Revolution”, a new Resource Centre was built and the Administration Building was upgraded to create a new entrance for the school. We also established our Community Garden.