eNews Term 4, Week 7, 2023

Here’s a good insight into life: “Life is not about being better than someone else. It is about striving to be better than you used to be.” (Anon) St Augustine had another good insight when he wrote: “When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give warmth, but they grow cold. When people choose to withdraw far from the light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. This is also the case when people withdraw from God.”
And withdraw from God we all do, not out of disbelief necessarily, but mostly out of forgetfulness, because we are just too busy with the rest of life. Take for example the Bethlehem Innkeeper who told Mary and Joseph that there was no room for them in his inn. This did not mean that he was a bad person; he was just very busy taking care of his customers, providing for their needs and keeping the peace. Unfortunately, when the most important birth in history took place in his backyard, he missed it entirely, not because he was a bad person, he was just too busy.
With Christmas just around the corner, we might be too busy to give attention to what we are actually commemorating. Those who live “by the cash register” will do everything they can to keep our attention on our wallets and purses. The Three Wise Men seem to have had the true understanding of the Christmas event. They spent many weeks in anticipation as they travelled from their homeland to Bethlehem. When they arrived, their purpose was to honour the newborn child and out of courtesy they brought one gift each.
We, too, have the opportunity for a period of anticipation in the Season of Advent. Advent is celebrated every year four weeks before Christmas Day. Of course, Advent is a constant season for, within our own lives, we are continuously waiting to become, to discover, to complete, to fulfil, hope, struggle, fear, have expectations, are all part of our Advent experience. God does not come to us from the sky, he comes to us in the daily story of our lives in people, places and events.
Advent invites us to prepare for the commemoration of God’s coming by taking time to have a closer look inside ourselves away from the busy outside. This looking inside is not about remorse or regret, nor about listing ways life over the past year could have been different; it’s not about wishing we were better people. It’s about forward movement, getting new bearings, relying more on God for directions. It’s about a fresh start, getting closer to the “fire” and the “light” that are God’s love and compassion. Advent is a time to “Rejoice, let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is nigh.” (St Paul Phil 4:4,5)
Congratulations to the following children who have been preparing for and celebrated their First Reconciliation last Friday night. Next year they will begin preparation for the celebration of the final Sacraments of Initiation: Confirmation and Holy Communion.
Max, Noah, Sierra, Aiden, Spencer, Lucy, Sophia-Rose, and Fletcher.
Wednesday, November 29 – Year 4 Mass | 9.30am |
Friday, December 1 – Year 3 Prayer Service | 9.30am |
Wednesday, December 6 – Middle Years Mass | 9.30am |
Friday, December 8 - Year 1 Advent Prayer Service | 9.30am |
Monday, December 11 – Year 2 Prayer Service | 9.30am |
Monday, December 11 – Reception Nativity Prayer Service & Picnic | 5pm |
Wednesday, December 13 – Whole School Mass (Led by Year 6) | 9.30am |

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the final fortnight of the academic year, we are not slowing down and will host a series of engaging events that we are certain will bring joy and excitement to our students, staff, and families. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you into our school to partake in these festivities. Our students have been preparing a variety of drama and musical performances, in a number of year levels, under the guidance of our dedicated teachers. These performances are a testament to their hard work and creativity, and they are eager to share their talents with the community. Please refer to the school calendar for the specific dates and times of these events and join us in celebrating our students' achievements.
In the spirit of the holiday season, we understand that it is a common practice for children to exchange Christmas cards and sweet treats. However, we recognise that not all families have the means to participate in this tradition, and some children may have dietary restrictions that prevent them from enjoying sugary treats. Therefore, we kindly request that no cards or sweets be brought to school for exchange. Instead, our teachers will be guiding the students in the tradition known as 'Christkindl'. Detailed instructions about this activity will be communicated via Seesaw. On Wednesday, December 13th, the last day of term, we will have a card exchange day and the students will present their handmade Christkindl gifts. The school will allocate time in Weeks 8 and 9 for the students to create these cards and gifts. We encourage families who wish to contribute to consider using the funds they would have spent on cards and gifts to donate a non-perishable item to our St. Vincent DePaul Christmas tree located in the front office. These donations will be distributed to those in need within our community, embodying the true spirit of giving this holiday season.
It gives me great pleasure to announce what I can, the teaching allocations for the 2024 school year at St Joseph’s School. The 2024 class lists have been provided to our families and any requests for any specific changes are to be through the school survey form.
Classroom Teachers 2024
Mrs Lisa Watkins (RW), Miss Victoria Johnson (RJ) and Miss Breanna Neeson (RN)
Year 1:
Mrs Meghan Rowland/Ms Mia Yudkin (1RY), Miss Sophie McLeod (1Mc) and Ms Claire Paice (1P)
Year 2:
Mrs Valerie Scott (2Sc), Mrs Rachel Wells (2W) and Ms Emily Standford (2S)
Year 3:
Mrs Prue Boland (3B), Miss Jane Lane (3L) and Miss Madeline Abfalter (3A)
Year 4:
Mrs Leanne Williams (4W), two classes to be confirmed
Year 5:
Mrs Rebecca Haines (5H), two classes to be confirmed
Year 6:
Ms Joanne Gibbon (6G), Miss Ruby Bambrick and to be confirmed (Specialist support teacher – Mrs Nicki Clifford)
Middle Years Teachers:
Mrs Annette Lamont, Ms Jas Hundal, Ms Brianna Schenscher, Mrs Demcey Anderson, Mr Cooper Skinner.
Mrs Fiona Graf will continue in her role as School Counsellor, working 3 days a week next year and Mr Andrew Neilson will continue as our IT Technician.
Finally, the leadership team who will serve the St Joseph’s School Community in 2024 will consist of myself as Principal, Mrs Ros Oates, to be confirmed (Deputy Principal - Administration) and Mrs Deb Holland (APRIM).
Of course, the end of 2023 will also be a celebration of the contributions of those staff members who have given so much to the St Joseph’s School community. This year we farewell Mrs Amy Aunger (Maternity Leave), Mr James McLaren (12 months leave), Mrs Debbie Driver (6 months leave), Mr Harley Dunstan, Mrs Kate Thurston, Mrs Margherita Pardoe, Mrs Pamela Holmes and Mrs Kath O’Neil.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Ros Oates
Transition Afternoon
On Monday in Week 9, we will run a transition afternoon where all students will meet their new teachers (if present) and classmates for 2024! The afternoon will go from 2.10 – 3 pm and will also include our future Reception students and new students for 2024.
The Semester 2 reports will go out Friday, December 8.
Returning Library Books
A reminder to all families to take one final look around at home for any library books that may still be laying about, hiding under beds, or fallen behind the sofa. The library will be stocktaking next week, and families will be reminded of overdue library books.
Religion in Middle Years
Building on our connections with other students and in keeping with the theme of Advent which starts on Sunday, all of our students have been making and designing books based on the Nativity- the Birth of Jesus. Students across Years 7 to 9 have been researching one symbol of Christmas and they have used this for the key idea for their books. These books are designed to be read by Reception students and we look forward to going into the classes to read these with them. The Middle Years students have enthusiastically and creatively made these books which will be gifted to the Reception students once they have been read. Our service to others goes both ways and it has been a beautiful experience to watch our students make a Christmas keepsake for the younger years.
Wellbeing in Middle Years
Over the past two terms, all of our students have been enthusiastically engaging in a wellbeing program based on the Habits of Minds. It has been so successful and warmly received. Our latest theme which we have been studying is "Interdependency". Working with and for others is a great skill to have and our students have shown great improvement in this area. We have recently given acts of service to others around the school and one of the most rewarding ones has been visiting Reception classes and helping them during their Literacy time. Building these relationships is crucial and it has been a joy to watch connections being made. Next week, our students will revisit and this time they will bring lots of Christmas activities for the students to participate in and make. The Middle Years students have spent time preparing for this and their visit is eagerly waited on by Reception students.

This term, the Year 9 students went on a 4-day camp to the Southeast. Our first stop was to the Mary MacKillop Interpretation Centre where we learnt lots about our patron Saint- Mary MacKillop and Fr Tenison Woods. We then explored ancient fossils underground before heading to Mt Gambier and our accommodation. The next few days saw us visiting conservation parks, The Blue Lake, Millicent, and Southend where we heard about the role of a Park Ranger in protecting our National Parks. We then headed into Victoria and after kayaking the Glenelg River, spent a pleasant afternoon at the Little Blue Lake. I am sure the locals enjoyed seeing our big ;pink unicorn floating in the middle. On our final day, we headed back to Penola for a Year 9 liturgy.
This week, the Year 8 students attended a City/Beach camp. The first day was full of sunshine and we enjoyed time at Glenelg Beach followed by a fish and chip lunch. In the afternoon, students either challenged themselves on the high ropes course or enjoyed a game of mini golf. The West beach caravan Park was our home for the night and provided the students with lots to do…until the rain came. The morning proved to be very soggy, but we had a great breakfast and then cheerfully departed for the Glenelg Discovery Museum. After hearing about the settlement of South Australia, we headed into town for a ride on the free Tram followed by lunch at the Adelaide Central Markets.
A big thank you to all the students who displayed a great attitude and fantastic manners, and to the staff who accompanied us.
Mrs Annette Lamont
Leader of Middle Years

Last Thursday night, Mrs Nicki Clifford, Mr Cooper Skinner, and Mrs Deb Holland had the pleasure to take part in the “Just too Deadly Awards” ceremony held at Murray Bridge High School. This was a ceremony to celebrate the graduation of Aboriginal children in all the schools in Murray Bridge district from Year 6 and Year 12. Reflecting on this wonderful celebration it occurred to me that what I had experienced was a true Advent moment. The Ngarrindjeri community are proud of their traditions and are working hard to support and prepare their young people because they know they are their future. The atmosphere and feel in the hall was one of hope, joy, love and peace, all things we associate with Advent. All the speakers spoke passionately about the pride they felt in the young people who were graduating and the young people themselves were very respectful and thankful and proud of their achievements. We all felt very privileged to have been given an opportunity to celebrate with our indigenous students from Year 6.
Congratulations to Eli, Jaxon, Peter and Jayden (Peter and Jayden were unable to make the celebration).

Traditionally at St Joseph’s School we have supported the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal through our Giving Tree and food collections for those in our community who may struggle during the Christmas season. We will send home in a few weeks’ time a note reminding families about these 2 ways we can support Vinnies. Our new Religious Leaders will also be organising a fund-raising activity so watch out for notes and Seesaw messages coming home.
Rocketeers is an upcoming fun summer holiday program to be run at St Joseph's School. Use the QR Code or find more details at www.campaustralia.com.au/rocketeers
Lights, camera, action! Join us in celebrating the magic of storytelling through stop-motion animation using LEGO® bricks! We’re excited to announce our partnership with the LEGO Group and StarTime to provide you with exclusive LEGO building and filmmaking sessions during the summer school holidays. More at Rocketeers Film Festival | Camp Australia
Rippers is a junior activities program based on the river. The program is specially designed for children aged five to twelve. The program is a great way to help kids learn essential water safety skills, grow their confidence, and make lifelong friendships.
Not only is Rippers a fun way for children to enjoy the river in a safe environment, but it also offers children an educational pathway through the Junior Development Program. This program sets them on the path to becoming a fully rounded participant in both lifesaving and sport - Surf Lifesaving SA calls it 'Serious Fun'.
Contact 83546900 or nippers@surflifesavingsa.com.au for more information.
Here are links to the latest issue of The Southern Cross newsletter and the online edition of The Southern Cross November 2023.

Held at St Joseph’s School
Weekly 30 minute 1-1 lessons
For enquiries and expressions of interest please contact Matthew Ahrens
Mobile: 0401 122 396
Email: mattahrensmusic@gmail.com

One-on-One tuition for drum and guitar is available at St Joseph's School on a weekly basis.
For more information on lessons and costs please contact Nathan Hill on 0448 426 946