eNews Term 3, Week 7, 2023

SPRINGTIME ~ Season of Creation
Spending time in the garden last weekend I was amazed at the colours that were everywhere. Beautiful, happy yellows from the wattle trees, the deep red that is appearing on the banksias, the bright vivid colours of the pigface and the colours of the leaves as they begin to appear on the roses and the trees.
The colours reminded me that we have left behind the bareness of winter and are now in the season of spring, the season of creation. Spring is the season between winter and summer and often marks the time when we emerge from ‘hibernation’. It is a time to clear the clutter, sometimes called spring-cleaning and the paddocks become a hive of activity as hay is cut and harvesting occurs. It is also a time for planting and reflecting on how we are caring for our environment – our small part of God’s creation in the universe.
In 1979, Pope John Paul 11 declared St Francis of Assisi to be the Patron Saint of the Environment. Here we were, in all our modern sophistication, turning to a person who lived in the 13th Century, seeking his guidance and inspiration to deal with our global pollution and the collapse of our planet’s eco-systems. What would St Francis have known about matters such as these?
Certainly, he would not have been familiar with the terminology but Francis held a very strong belief that God was present in everything around him so that wherever he encountered nature, in its many expressions, he encountered God. For St Francis, the world around him drew him to God, and everything around him was an expression of God’s love. His attitude to nature was a humble one in that he realised that all of us are reliant on the environment for our survival.
Pope Francis was so inspired by St Francis that he took his name when he was elected Bishop of Rome. As he says in Laudato Si (On Care for Our Common Home)10, “I believe that Saint Francis is the example par excellence of care for the vulnerable and of an integral ecology lived out joyfully and authentically. He was particularly concerned for God’s creation and for the poor and outcast. He loved and was deeply loved for his joy, his generous self-giving, his openheartedness. He shows us just how inseparable the bond is between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, and interior peace.”
The guidance and inspiration of St Francis is a reminder that we are part of nature, part of God’s creation and gifted with privilege and responsibility. To restate this in a natural setting, we might borrow these words:
“Your mind is a garden,
Your thoughts are the seeds,
The harvest can be either
flowers or weeds.”
(Author Unknown)
The Catholic Church names the beginning of spring the Season of Creation. This year they have chosen the theme; “A mighty river” representing biodiversity at risk. The urgency grows and we must make visible peace with Earth and on Earth, while justice calls us to repentance and a change of attitude and actions. When we join the river of justice and peace together with others, it creates hope instead of despair.
September 6 – Year 6 Mass | 9.30am |
September 13 – Middle Years Mass | 9.30am |
September 15 – Year 1 Prayer Service | 9.15am |

Dear parents, carers, teachers, and students,
This week, we had the privilege of engaging in our annual Three-way Interviews, where parents, guardians, their child/ren, and teachers came together to discuss and celebrate the progress and growth of our students. We truly value the active involvement of parents and guardians in our school community. At St Joseph's, we take pride in working collaboratively with you to support each and every child in reaching their highest potential in all areas of their lives. Our three-way partnership, which involves the student, parent, and teacher, allows us to support your child's success. If you missed having a meeting, please make another appointment with the relevant teachers.
These meetings are a timely reminder that at St Joseph's School, we are committed to fostering open, honest, and timely communication. We believe that face-to-face conversations are essential when addressing concerns or seeking clarification. We kindly request that members of our community refrain from airing problems or concerns on social media platforms. Our school's Facebook page is an avenue for celebration and information only. As adults, we serve as role models to our young people, and it is important that we encourage effective and positive communication methods.
We want to emphasise that parents and guardians are an integral part of our school and are here to address any concerns or issues that may arise. We encourage you to make an appointment with your child's teacher if you have any concerns or questions. Our aim is to address and resolve any challenges as quickly as possible, ensuring the well-being and progress of your child.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and supportive environment for all members of our St Joseph’s School and Parish Community.
SunSmart School – Global UV app
St Joseph's School is a registered SunSmart School, prioritising the health and safety of our students under the sun. As per the implementation times outlined in our Early Childhood Centres and Schools Sun Protection Policy, it is crucial to have adequate sun protection measures in place during terms 1, 3, and 4 (or from 1 August to April 30), as well as whenever the UV Index is 3 and above at other times.
n recent weeks, our administration staff has been closely monitoring the SunSmart on-the-go app, and we have observed an increase in UV ratings, reaching levels 4 and 5. In light of this, we would like to announce that starting from next week, Week 8, it will be mandatory for all students to wear their school hats during play times. Please ensure your child brings a clean hat to school daily.
To further protect our students, sunscreen is readily available in each of our classrooms. However, we kindly ask parents/guardians of children with sensitive skin to provide the appropriate sunscreen in their school bags. This will ensure that their specific needs are met and that they can fully participate in outdoor activities while staying protected from the sun.
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these sun protection measures, as they play a vital role in safeguarding the well-being of our students. We can create a safe and healthy environment for all by working together.
School Fees for 2024
I am delighted to announce to our school community that there will be no increase in school fees for the upcoming 2024 academic year. Catholic Education SA has made the decision to freeze tuition fees across all 84 Diocesan schools for the entirety of the 2024 school year.
Dr Neil McGoran, the Executive Director of Catholic Education SA, acknowledges the financial strain that families are facing due to rising living costs. He emphasises that the growth in enrolments across the state and responsible financial management have enabled them to maintain this year's tuition fees.
Dr McGoran assures that this fee freeze will not compromise the quality of education provided. Catholic Education South Australia remains dedicated to keeping school fees as affordable as possible, ensuring that Catholic education remains accessible to all families.
To further support families experiencing financial difficulties, Catholic Education SA has implemented the Making Catholic Education More Affordable Initiative since 2019. This initiative aims to guarantee that any family desiring a Catholic education for their child can access it.
Furthermore, in addition to the fee freeze, families facing financial challenges can avail themselves of additional fee remissions. For more information on this, we encourage families to make an appointment with Mrs Carol Rowland, our Business Manager.
Child Protection Week
Child protection is an everyday message and learning all year round. This week allowed us to focus on the safety and well-being of all students. Child safety is prioritised in our school and Catholic Education South Australia.
As you all know, schools are very busy with our day-to-day activities and special events. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for all that they do for our students and school community. It has been a very busy term to date, and our staff have dealt with many disruptions and gone above and beyond to ensure our students have had many wonderful opportunities. There are also more excursions and camps coming up. We are so lucky to have such a dedicated staff here at St Joseph’s School.
Have a wonderful weekend, enjoying the beginning of spring weather.
Mrs Ros Oates
Three Remaining School Closure Days for 2023
This week the School Board members met for our August meeting and confirmed the final school closure days for 2023 are:
- Friday 8th Sept (Week 7) – Term 3 – Staff Retreat Day
- Thursday 14th December and Friday 15th December – Term 4 (Last two school days of the year) – Curriculum, Data and Handover Day
The current School Board for St Joseph’s School needs interested members of our community who would like to have a role in ensuring the sound and responsible financial management of our school’s resources.
The role of the finance committee is to ensure proper financial management systems are in place in accordance with the Finance Manual for South Australian Catholic Schools, including the school’s five-year financial plan and with policies and guidelines within the diocese. It is not too late to nominate to become a St Joseph’s School Board member. If you are considering becoming a Board Member, please contact Leesa Angove in Administration for further information.
At the last meeting on Monday, September 5, the School Board approved the Camps and Excursions Guidelines for St Joseph's School. Please refer to the attached document.
CAMP AUSTRALIA - Vacation Care is available this October school holidays on the St Joseph's School site. Bookings are now open for families for the upcoming holiday vacation care 'ROCKETEERS'. If families head to the Camp Australia page, you will see the program - https://campaustralia.com.au/schools/18CA.
Please support and promote this service. It will determine future holiday programs.

During Term 3, the Year 2 children are exploring the HASS topic – ‘History is all around us.’. Our students have developed inquiry questions to find out about the history of two sites in Murray Bridge - Ngarrindjeri Dreaming, at the Local Government Centre, and The Round House. Last week we went on a walking excursion to both of these locations to enable students to do their research. With guidance, they will analyse and evaluate the information collected to determine whether these sites are of value. The students will link their findings to their Literacy writing when they write a persuasive text about the significance of these landmarks.
Mathematics this term, students have been learning about how addition is related to multiplication. They have enjoyed making equal groups of various items and arrays by using rows and columns, and explored the concepts of doubling and halving.
In Health, the focus for learning is the importance of eating a variety of foods, having healthy lunchboxes and drinking plenty of water.
Valerie Scott, Erica Sharplin and Rachel Wells

Our Year 9 students went to Hahndorf to learn about German migration to South Australia. We first visited Hans Heyson’s home and saw the studio where he painted. We learnt of his love for our country and the money he spent saving the gum trees he loved to paint.
Next, we went to St Paul’s Lutheran Church and heard of the long journeys made in the 1800’s by German people who were being refused the opportunity to practice their religion in their own country. Lunch followed, with a taste of German food such as pretzels, apple strudel and Beesting cake. We then attended the Hahndorf Academy and learnt more about these people who settled the town, their jobs, their long treks to Adelaide to sell produce and the schools. Students practiced writing in German on blackboards and gathered evidence for their HASS assignment.
Finally, we walked up to Beerenberg and studied the history of the Paech family who have been a SA success story. Students were also able to taste the wonderful homemade ice cream, made by the family.

St Joseph's School will host an Information Night from 6pm - 7pm on Wednesday 13 September for everyone interested in learning more about our offerings in Years 7-9. All welcome.
Please register at: https://forms.office.com/r/Fq4nPuzh8T
Or use the QR Code:
On Friday 25 August we held one of the highlights of Book Week - the Book Week Parade. Staff, students and families excelled themselves and there were many wonderful and imaginative costumes! Thanks to everyone who helped orgainse this fun and entertaining event.

Nikki Snell:
As the school Speech Pathologist I have been supporting teachers at the school with all things speech and language support, including vocabulary development. Did you know that a strong vocabulary at school entry is a strong indicator for early reading success?
As parents, you play a significant role in supporting your child's vocabulary development. Here are some practical strategies you can implement at home to support your child’s development of vocabulary.
- Read together: Reading aloud with your child regularly is one of the most effective ways to expose them to new words. Choose age-appropriate books with rich language and engage in discussions about the story and the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- Word of the day: Introduce a "Word of the Day" ritual at home. Explore the meaning, usage, and synonyms of the chosen word, encouraging your child to incorporate it into their conversations throughout the day. Put the written word in a visible location – maybe you can have ‘Fridge words’!
- Context clues: Encourage your child to use context clues when they encounter unfamiliar words while reading. Help them infer the meaning of such words based on the surrounding text. Link new words to experiences your child may already have had – for example linking the word ‘celebration’ to their last birthday party.
- Word games and puzzles: Engage in word games like Scrabble, crossword puzzles, and word searches to make learning new vocabulary an enjoyable and interactive experience.
- Real-life experiences: Expose your child to a variety of experiences, such as visits to museums, nature walks, or cultural events. These experiences introduce them to new concepts and vocabulary beyond the classroom.
I look forward to continuing to share in the learning experiences of the students at St Joseph’s School.
Nikki Snell, Speech Pathologist
Ebony Jenkins:
My name is Ebony Jenkins, and I am an Occupational Therapist who has been privileged to be part of the St Joseph’s School community for the last 14 weeks. I’ve been working closely with classroom teachers to support the learning and engagement of all students. We have been taking a focus upon sensory processing and integration and how this can impact upon learning. So I thought it would be timely to share some sensational facts about sensory processing:
- There are 8 sensory systems including: visual, gustatory, tactile, hearing (auditory), smell (olfactory), balance (vestibular), movement (proprioceptive) and interoceptive (internal).
- Sensory processing impacts how we understand and interact with the world around us
- People can be under-responsive or over-responsive to sensory information, but this is context specific.
- Children with sensory processing challenges can experience difficulties in maintaining their attention and arousal, managing their behaviours and communicating effectively in their learning environment.
- Classroom adjustments to support optimal sensory processing can improve school performance.
I look forward to continuing to support the wonderful teachers of St Joseph’s School, as well all of the learning potential and possibilities that lie ahead for your children.
Ebony Jenkins, Occupational Therapist
Vinnies Uniform Shops are all located within Vinnies Charity Stores and are serviced by appointment only, by making a booking ensures we have an appropriately trained uniform staff member onsite to assist with uniform fittings, selections, and purchases.
Parents can make a booking with Rochelle and the Murray Bridge Vinnies Uniform Shop Team by scanning the QR code or visiting Vinnies - Uniform Shop (simplybook.me)
We encourage parents to contact us by email (schooluniforms@svdpsa.org.au) for consideration of appointments outside available booking times.
For parents who prefer to personally make a selection, or complete fittings themselves, we welcome you at any time during normal Vinnies Shop trading hours (refer to vinnies.org.au for trading hours) – no bookings required. Vinnies Shop volunteers will only able to assist with finalising the purchase of school uniforms, it is recommended parents make a booking if assistance and advice in uniform fittings and selection is required.
This year St Joseph’s is supporting St Vincent de Paul for their annual winter appeal. This year the focus is on the homelessness crisis devastating older women. Any donations to the Winter Appeal are directly supporting those most in need in our local community. Together we can provide basic essentials to resolve dignity in times of need. Your donation can help remove a major stress for families. Your support also helps dedicated volunteers to work with people living in poverty, and provide assistance when life is tough.
A big thank you for your support of our Pyjama Day last term for the Vinnies Winter Appeal. We are pleased to announce that through your generous donations we were able to raise $650.00. This money will go to support those in need in our community as we know there are many who are finding it very hard this winter. This term we will continue to collect any good warm clothing, blankets, sleeping bags etc that you are no longer using. These can be placed in the bins in the office area.

One-on-One tuition for drum and guitar is available at St Joseph's School on a weekly basis.
For more information on lessons and costs please contact Nathan Hill on 0448 426 946