eNews Term 1, Week 3 2024

Dear parents, carers, teachers, and students,
This week, on Wednesday, February 14th, we celebrated Ash Wednesday with Father Phillip Marshall. It was a special occasion that brought our school and parish community together.
A sincere thank you to all the parents, carers, relatives, and friends who joined us for Shrove Tuesday's pancakes and attended the Ash Wednesday Mass. Also, special recognition to the Year 6 students and our School Captains, were admirable in their roles.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a period of reflection and spiritual renewal.
As we begin our journey towards Easter and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, let us make time to reflect upon that for which we are grateful and consider how we might focus more fully on making better choices and spreading kindness in our daily lives.
Special Guest
On Wednesday, February 14th, we were honoured to welcome Hon Blair Boyer, Minister for Education, Training and Skills, to St. Joseph's School. Minister Boyer visited several educational institutions in the area, and we were thrilled to be included in his itinerary.
Our student captain Charlotte Wise, served as an exceptional tour guide, showcasing the diverse range of resources and facilities available to our students.
This visit provided Minister Boyer with a valuable opportunity to connect directly with our school community and learn more about the unique learning environment we offer at St Joseph’s School.
School Board and Annual General Meeting
Our next school board meeting is Monday, 4th March.
The School Board AGM will be held on Monday, 25th March, at 6.30 pm. Reports will be tabled at the beginning of the meeting, elections for new members will be held, and those elected will remain for the meeting.
We are also calling for nominations for the school board.
The school board does not require a huge commitment. It is two meetings each school term (6.30 - 8 pm, on a Monday evening). The school board is important in shaping policy and the school's future direction. It is a vital part of parent voice and is a great chance to meet other parents, offer ideas and discuss school planning. We are looking for people who can think strategically or provide insights into specific areas such as finance or marketing. If you would like to know more about the specific roles of office bearers on a school board, please refer to the following link: School Board Responsibilities.
Please call Leesa Angove in the Administration office if you’d like further information about nominating for a position on the School Board in 2024-2025.
Nominations must be made before the AGM.
There is also some information about school boards at School Boards.
Kindest regards,
Mrs Ros Oates
Reminder – COVID-19 and Illness Protocols
Students unwell with a cold, virus or COVID-19 are asked to remain at home until the acute symptoms (e.g. runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever) have cleared.
Families should notify the administration office if their child returns a positive COVID-19 test.
If our school observes that there have been five or more COVID-19-positive students across a seven-day period in a home class/room or connected with a school camp whether present in their infectious period or not, in that case, we will communicate to families to be alert to possible symptoms via a Seesaw letter.
Student Absences (Grades R-9)
To ensure your child's safety and accurate attendance records, please notify the school of any absence by phone before regular office hours (8:00 AM). You can reach us at 85342000. If contacting outside of office hours, please leave a message stating your name, your child's name, their year-level class and reason for absence.
Our teachers verify electronic attendance rolls daily through the SEQTA system. If a student is marked absent without a documented reason, we will automatically send an SMS confirmation request to the registered parent/caregiver's mobile number. For extended absences, class teachers will personally follow up to ensure proper communication and support.
School Photo Day
Friday 1st March. The photo orders will be taken via QR code by MSP Photography, who have provided the following information:
To order school photos, please keep a look out for your photo form with the QR code containing your child’s unique shoot key & remember these helpful tips:
- Use the unique shoot key provided on the handout to place your order online before the close date.
- If you would like family photos, please collect a form from the front office.
- Your child is not required to hand anything in on photo day.
- Please call our office if you require your order to be collected from the school’s front office.
Should you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact MSP Photography.
email: admin.adelaidesouth@msp.com.au ph: 08 83913951
Meet and Greet Parent Information Meetings
Parent Information meetings will be held in Week 6 (4th March – 7th March) for Reception – Year 6’s families and in Week 7 (11th March – 14th March) for Year 7-9’s. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity for you to connect with your child's teacher, discuss their progress and learning goals, and explore ways to support their academic success at school.
At St Joseph’s School, we believe in fostering open, honest, and positive communication with our families. Parents and carers are integral partners in our school community. Your involvement is crucial in supporting your child's academic journey and overall well-being. Information via Seesaw about registering a date and time with your child/ren’s teacher/s will be forwarded in the coming weeks.
We understand that concerns and questions may arise before these scheduled meetings or throughout the school year. We encourage you to make prior appointments for meetings with your child's teacher if you have any specific questions, concerns, or challenges you wish to discuss. Our goal is to address any issues promptly and effectively, ensuring your child receives the support they need to thrive.
My name is Meghan Rowland and in 2024 I am taking on a new role as Leader of Learning at St Joseph's. As part of my role, I will be sharing and updating our community on all things curriculum and learning.
St Joseph's is pleased to share an important enhancement to our Early Years curriculum – InitiaLit. Beginning in 2024, this literacy-focused program is tailored for Reception through Year 2 students, offering targeted learning opportunities to strengthen foundational skills in reading and writing. InitiaLit emphasises literacy development through evidence-based strategies, structured lessons, and small-group intervention. Our aim is to provide additional support to students who may benefit from targeted literacy instruction, ensuring each child has the tools to succeed in reading and writing. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact of InitiaLit on our students' literacy skills.
Reception Learners Dive into Pamela Allen's World of Imagination
As our Reception learners embarked on their school journey, they delved into the enchanting world of books through an immersive author study focused on Pamela Allen's captivating tales. Engaging with classics like "Mr McGee Goes to Sea," "Who Sank the Boat?" and "The Pear in the Pear Tree," these young learners embarked on a literary adventure filled with excitement and imagination.
Throughout the study, students actively participated in various hands-on activities tailored to enhance their literacy skills. They eagerly sequenced the narratives, sparking their comprehension abilities while developing a deeper understanding of story structure. They refined their handwriting skills, practicing the art of communication through written expression.
The exploration extended beyond the pages as learners channeled their creativity into crafting thematic projects inspired by the stories. From whimsical crafts to intricately designed book covers; these activities fostered artistic expression and reinforced the thematic elements of Allen's works.
As they immersed themselves in the world of Pamela Allen, these budding readers not only cultivated a love for literature but also laid a solid foundation for the upcoming InitaLit Program in English. Through the author study experience, they acquired essential literacy skills, ignited their imagination, and embarked on a lifelong journey of learning and discovery through the power of storytelling.

Here are links to the latest issue of The Southern Cross newsletter and the online edition of The Southern Cross February 2024.
Communities for Children Murraylands FISH N CHATS is on again delivered by Lyall from Centacare. If you have Children 12 years and under and have always wanted to try Fishing then Lyall will guide you through the process. All equipment is supplied.
Contact Centacare on 82 156347
Important Dates
Year 3 Prayer Service
School Photo Day
Board Meeting
Year 7 Aquatics Camp
Year 2 Prayer Service
Pupil Free Day
St Joseph’s Day
Whole School Mass - Year 5
School Board AGM
Year 4 Prayer Service
Good Friday - Public Holiday
Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Sports Day
Term 1 Concludes
Sports Day
