St Joseph Catholic School

Student Leadership

At St Joseph's School, student leadership is an integral part of the school's mission to create a caring and supportive environment where students can thrive as learners and leaders. The school offers various leadership opportunities for students in different roles, allowing them to actively contribute to the school community and develop essential leadership skills.

The student leadership structure at St Joseph's School includes several key areas:

Justice and Ministry Team (JaM): This team encourages personal and faith development while promoting the school's Catholic ethos. Members help plan and conduct liturgies, prayer, and Masses and support local charitable initiatives.

Sports Captains: Students in Years 3 and 7-9 can serve as Sports Captains, representing their house teams in events such as Sports Day. They are responsible for leading team promotions, organising activities, and demonstrating exemplary behaviour while participating in sports.

Student Leadership: Students from Years 2 to 8 can apply for leadership roles in various categories, such as Religious Leader, Cultural and Diversity Leader, Inclusion Leader, Environmental Leader, and Indigenous Leader. These positions allow students to actively engage in different aspects of school life and work towards a positive and inclusive environment.

Senior School Captains: Senior School Captains are chosen from the Middle Years cohort and act as role models for the entire school. They take on an active representative role, engage with the school community, and mentor younger students.

The selection process for student leadership positions involves application forms, interviews, and sometimes speeches presented to peers or staff. The school emphasises fair and transparent selection based on leadership potential, commitment, and positive role modelling.

In addition to the formal leadership roles, St Joseph's School offers training and support for student leaders to enhance their skills. Mentoring, workshops, and ongoing feedback help students grow as leaders and make meaningful contributions to their school community.

Through these opportunities, students can thrive and succeed as future leaders in the world God desires.