St Joseph Catholic School

Pets and animals at St Joseph's School

At St Joseph's School, we are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our staff, students, and visitors. To achieve this, we have established specific guidelines regarding pets and other animals on school property.

Pets, such as dogs and other animals, are generally not allowed on school grounds unless approved by the Senior Leadership Team.
Local wildlife is an exception to these guidelines.

Special Circumstances

Service dogs are always welcome on school grounds.
With prior approval from the Senior Leadership Team and notification from classroom teachers, animals may be permitted to visit classrooms for educational purposes, such as show-and-tell or when a teacher cares for a classroom pet.

Animal Handling

Approved animals must be properly restrained at all times, either on a lead or in an enclosed area. Dogs must be controlled on a lead by a responsible person aged 16 or older.

Animal Temperament

Only animals with a calm and suitable temperament for being around children and crowds are allowed on school property. Animals that are fearful, timid, or overly dominant may not be appropriate for the school environment and should not be brought onto the premises.

Hygiene Standards

To keep our school clean and hygienic, animals that shed fur, feathers, or droppings must be properly contained. Adults should bring bags to clean up after animals, and animals should be kept in boxes or carriers when on school grounds.